Deciding on delaying our cruise while waiting for better weather.
Tag: Lake Michigan
Person in the Water

Assisting a capsized kayaker from cold water
A Quick Sail Home

Riding a strong east wind westward, home to Milwaukee.
Pentwater to Grand Haven

An easy sail down the Michigan coast to Grand Haven, MI
Crossing Lake Michigan to Pentwater

Crossing Lake Michigan from Milwaukee, WI to Pentwater, MI, and anchoring in Pentwater Lake.
Solo Sail Across Lake Michigan

Overcoming some minor challenges on a solo sail across Lake Michigan.
South Manitou Island

After anchoring in its harbor, Jeff hikes on South Manitou Island, part of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.
Chasing Tall Ships

Daysailing mission to photograph competitors offshore in the Tall Ships Challenge as they pass Milwaukee.