Leg 26 of our 2022 cruise up north
(to read about Leg 25, Gore Bay to Milford Haven, click here)
We’re back in the US again, and in a marina for the first time in almost a week.
It was a beautiful day for a sail… though we only sailed about 9 miles today!

I was a little worried about having a bunch of weeds on the anchor this morning in Milford Haven. One clue was all the weed bits floating in the water and drifting by the boat. Sure enough, it took some time to clean them off while retrieving the anchor. Some people lash a knife to a boat hook… I merely “lifted” them off with a boat hook and sprayed it with the washdown pump.

I hadn’t been to Detour Village in many years as it hadn’t been a Port of Entry. It’s a very quiet town, actually a little too quiet, and the grocery store is pretty sparsely stocked. I may use Drummond Island (the “old” Port of Entry) next time, though I remember the cell signal being poor there.
The cell signal is good here in Detour, and that’s a good thing… we cleared US customs on my phone with the ROAM app for the first time. That process deserves its own post, which follows this one.
Once cleared in, we caught up on internet stuff (like this blog) with marina WiFi and our US based cellular data. In Canada we had been somewhat limited in our data consumption, so we had some catching up to do. We also watched a few ships transiting the Detour Passage, and got a few groceries.
A pretty strong northeast wind started blowing just after sunset, and it feels pretty cold. The cold water flowing down the St. Mary’s River from Lake Superior certainly has a bunch to do with the temperature.
The northern lights are very bright tonight, and we can even see them through our dodger windows.
Hopefully we’re heading farther west tomorrow.

(to read about Clearing into the US with the ROAM App, click here)