Leg 13 of our 2022 cruise up north
(to read about leg 12, Boat Work: Hog to Rous Island, click here)

After a quick motor in the morning in light air once again, we got a slip for the night in Little Current. Centrally located and big enough to have plenty of facilities for cruisers like us, Little Current makes a great stop for us. We’ve been here multiple times, though usually it involves a crew change. In the past, Kristin hasn’t been able to join me for the entire cruise, and drives or flies into Little Current along with a few other friends for a week or two. It has been a nice change having Kristin along!
Being a Monday, we were able to get laundry done pretty quick at the laundromat a block away. We did our other chores, too, and even got coffee, lunch, and dinner at restaurants for the first time since Manitowoc two weeks earlier.
I also marveled at having shore power. Most of the time when sailing or anchored we’re running on battery power, so charging things like phones, computers, and our dinghy battery can come at a price of precious amp hours. When the boat is plugged into a dock, though, we can run lots of electric stuff without running the inverter or generator. It seemed like a luxury for one night.