A day trip on our 2022 cruise up north
(to read about Leg 11, All Alone: Gibson Cove to Hog Island, click here)
This morning we had very light wind once again here at Hog Island. It provided a great opportunity for some nice stand up paddle boarding amongst the islets and rocks just north of Hog. Paddling over mirror flat water is pretty cool when the water is clear and there’s rocks, plants, and fish visible under the surface!
We then ventured out to achieve our objective of the day… to hike to LaCloche Lake.
The dinghy ride was about a mile and a half (20 minutes) each way, with a lot of cross checking our handheld GPS to try and find the river mouth. The shoreline here is very marshy, with every small inlet or bay looking like it might be a river mouth. Finding it would be more complicated without GPS.

Our view of LaCloche Lake was very pretty, almost as nice as Topaz Lake, which lies farther east. The trip was definitely worth it.

This area is part of LaCloche Provincial Park. I do wish we had a better map of the park, and I couldn’t find any helpful ones online. It would have been nice to know where some of the extra trails led. I kind of want to go back and explore more some other time. LaCloche Lake is a big lake, but we only got to see a small cove on it.