After our mechanical issues on our lake crossing from Milwaukee to Pentwater, and getting stuck at Snug Harbor Marina to repair our broken steering cable, we hoped to sail north to visit Frankfort, Michigan. With another nice marina (that had a pool and hot tub!), a very nice beach, and a new microbrewery, Frankfort was another of our favorite Michigan towns.
Though our steering repairs were fixed by noon Tuesday, we decided to stay in Pentwater a little longer… Tuesday was the last relatively warm, dry day in the forecast, and we wanted to maximize our beach time. Unfortunately, though Wednesday had southwest winds and waves in the forecast, the winds were predicted to be nearly gale force and I wanted a light wind day to test our new steering cable. By Thursday, the winds shifted to north, with north or east winds for a few days to follow. Needing to be home by week’s end, we gave up on Frankfort this year and stayed in Pentwater until Thursday morning.
We got an early start Thursday, leaving a little after dawn with a few other cruising boats also bound for our destination of the day: Grand Haven, MI. At least three of the other cruisers were “loopers,” traveling the Great Lakes portion of The Great Loop. They were trying to get south to Chicago, and then farther down the inland river system to the Gulf before things got too cold here Up North.
We raised sail shortly after clearing Pentwater’s breakwall in light air. Progress was slow at first, but with an east wind we had an offshore breeze with flat water. Working our way south and more offshore yielded a little more wind, and we flew the spinnaker to Little Sable Point before needing to head more to windward.

As we passed 2 miles offshore of the entrance channel to White Lake, we waved at some of our friends ashore. Priorities was visible to them as just a tiny dot on the horizon.
Fall was just approaching, so we weren’t used to temperatures in the 60s and felt chilly. Otherwise, it was a beautiful day to sail to Grand Haven.

A quick call on the phone to the marina in the afternoon revealed they had space for us Thursday, but not Friday. Fortunately, Grand Haven has a sea wall to tie to for only $10 a day. We spent Thursday night in a slip, and Friday on the wall.

With east winds, the water on the Grand River was flat for our stay on the wall. We’ve been to Grand Haven with strong west winds in the past, driving a swell up the river and making things very uncomfortable… I probably wouldn’t stay there again in a strong west wind. There’s also no power, water, or bathroom/shower access on the wall, either, but we’re pretty self sufficient.

One benefit to being on the sea wall was our front row seats to the Grand Haven Musical Fountain. It’s a little cheesy, and not the Bellagio in Vegas, but still quaint and entertaining.
Grand Haven was fun… nice shops and restaurants to enjoy since the weather was getting cold. Saturday’s forecast was for very strong east winds… perfect for a quick sail home.